Centro Walser
who we are house valley offering links how to book


Recommended addresses:

Rifugio Sant'Antonio Valle Vogna, tel. 0163-91918

Agriturismo Alpe Larecchio Valle Vogna, tel. 0163-91922, 349-0618821

Rifugio Alpe Campo Alagna, tel. 347-8658335

Rifugio Guglielmina Col d'Olen, tel. 0163-91444

Rifugio Sottile Valle Vogna, tel. 347-9543616

Alta Valsesia Park, tel. 0163-54680

Botanic garden, tel. 0163-54680

Mountain guides Alagna, tel. 0163-91310, 0163-52365

Walser museum Alagna, frazione Pedemonte, tel. 0163-922935, 347-1377404

Walser museum Valle Vogna, tel. 015-761116

Walser house renovation - Roberto Bioni, tel. 347-7828925

Carpentry - Claudio Chiara, walserbuteja@tiscali.it

Rafting and canoeing - Alberto Smuraglia, tel. 348-2252175, info@hidronica.com

Fishing permits, tel. 0163-52093

High quality foodstuff from selected Valsesia growers:

"La Truna a Campertogno", tel. 0163-77143


