Personal Identity and social living



second year- CD rom : http://www.adececam.com/odysseus2/

Second year, Activities undertaken (September 1999-June 2000).
(May 2000)
CD rom : http://www.adececam.com/odysseus2/

Didactic activities
Partner: Direzione Didattica Primo Circolo-Jesi; Direzione Didattica; Terzo Circolo-Falconara; Scuola Media Savoia at Jesi; Scuola Media Ferraris at Falconara; Ceip Santa Creu Anglesola; Ceip Magi Moreira in Lleida; Bergsjoskolan at Goteborg; Forskolan Meteor at Goteborg.


After-school activities
Partner: Provincia di Ancona, Comune di Jesi, Comune di Falconara, Waiblingen Local Council, Irrsae Marche, Provveditorato agli Studi di Ancona, Senza Confini at Ancona, Centro Gusantina at Zaragoza, Kultur und Spiel Raum in Munchen, Scuola Media Savoia and Scuola Media Ferraris, Direzione Didattica Primo Circolo; Magi Moreira.

During the period October/June meetings have been carried out in schools with the help of Local Authorities; social interventions in order to coordinate the various activities. The outcomes have been discussed with the other European partners.

During the February/June period a report on the activities will be produced to determine models of intervention and collaboration. A new European plan will be put forward in order to help vagrants into the working system. This plan will be carried out with new partners, and the activities carried out by the Local Authorities will be constantly monitored.

Partner; planning: Direzione Didattica Primo Circolo at Jesi; Senza Confini in Ancona; Kultur und Spiel Raum di Munchen; Eap in Lleida; those who attended the courses: all the partners.
During the period October/January 2000 the work on the outcomes of the first formative meeting at Jesi in April 1999 went on. This kind of work consisted in a cycle of meetings and other training courses and distance planning between Italian and European partners.
Seminars in Italy: two seminars with Senza Confini and Kultur und Spiel Raum have already taken place for 30 Italian members. Two more seminars have been planned. Italian teachers have attended a seminar organised by Irrsae Marche about the teaching of Italian to foreign boys and girls.
Planning: a second formative intervention has already been planned. It taked place at Lleida in April. Its purpose is to elaborate new formative methods which should be integrated with both school and social activities. About 30 members attended it. 10 will come from Sweden, Germany, Italy and France, while 20 from Spain. The outcomes of Lleida course formed a document which will be used to complete the social survey and improve the use of biographical method. Finally, it is worth mentioning the start of a 500-hour training course at Jesi funded by the European Social Fund. Participants will be qualified as "Operatore Sociale Interculturale-Intercultural Social Workers". The course is based on Odysseus Project methodological guidelines, and aims at training people who can be able to deal with foreign boys' and girls' problems professionally,  and also to cooperate with schools.

Social survey:
Partners: Senza Confini at Ancona; Lleida Eap; Waiblingen Karolinger schule; Bergsjoskolan and Forskolan Meteor at Goteborg.
Book: The reading of the interviews with immigrants which were collected in Italy, Spain, Germany and Sweden during the first year have begun. The partners have discussed about the first draft. The method they have used will also be used for the other teaching and formative activities planned in the project. The book will be finished by the end of June. The partners have decided to unite Formative Activities and Social Survey Activities to form a "Formation an Survey" work-group.
ITINERARIES, stories of voyages into the world

Internet and Virtual Library:
Tolosa Adececam has planned the production of a documentary cd about all the activities. The cd will be completed by the end of June. Irrsae Marche is planning a virtual library concerning the Odysseus Project. All the partners will be actively involved. This project will be carried out during the third year.

May 2000.

Primo anno - Secondo anno -Terzo anno

Partner  - Formazione  -  Indagine sociale - meeting