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Gloria Valli


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Gloria Valli
Verona (VR)


Teacher in high school (Economic Geography), when she retired she could develop to the best her manual skills.

She started learning feminine arts when she was a child and went on learning all life long: knitting, crochet, embroidery, tatting, macramé and, last but not least, bobbin lace (since 1991), that she learnt first by herself and then attending lessons held by Association "Il Fusello" in Cesena.  

Since 1996 she took part with her works to lace shows and competitions, like Sansepolcro international Lace Biennial and Cantù Lace Biennial, Cles and Cesena lace shows.

She was the author of a modern lace collar (using also copper wire) for the fashion stylist Gianfranco Ferré 1999-2000 collection. 

Her lace works were also shown in many European countries, in USA, in Japan and in Australia; the Powerhouse Museum of Sidney has in its lace collection a lace set (top and bag) that took part in 2001 International Competition (Lace for Fashion) organised by the same Museum. 

She published articles and some of her works on the IOLI magazine and on the Spanish magazine "La Encajera".

In 1997 she started running a web site, "MOSTRE DI MERLETTO", to offer information to people interested in lace in all the world, thanks also to the collaboration of visitors.

At present, she is collaborating with Italia Invita , an association organizer of international lace and embroidery events in Italy.


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"Ideas and Mooving Shapes" showed at the International Lace Biennial in Cantù ( Italy ), 1999.



"Ideas and Mooving Shapes" showed at the International Lace Biennial in Cantù ( Italy ), 1999.

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"Ideas,images in freedom"

"Attestato di Merito" to the two pieces from the Contest of the IX International Lace Biennial in Sansepolcro ( Italy ), September-October 2000.

