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Chicken arrostino
220 chicken breast, 100 gr ham, 4 slices prosciutto, 1 egg, 2 slices bread with milk, white wine, olive oil, salt and pepper.
Clean well the chicken, open it 'as a book' and boil it in water. Take a part a small piece of cooked chicken.
Mince ham and bread into a pot, melting well, as far as it seems a cream. Add a little salt. Open the chicken on a dish and cover with the prosciutto slices and the cream, roll it so that the cream remain inside and use the small slice of breast you took a side before.
Tye all like a small salame, brown it into a sauce pan with two or three spoons olive oil; make it gloden on each side, add salt and pepper.
Put into the warm oven for 40 minutes to make the cream cook and at half cooking, spread the white wine over.
Take it from the oven, let it rest for 10 minutes and cut into slices and serve. We suggest to serve it with Zucchine and almond (see recipes at 'Vegetables')

Pinoli sauce
pinoli 100 gr, 2 fillets of anchovies, bread crumb, 1/2 spoon sugar, 1/2 lemon, vinager, oil, salt and pepper.
Mince pinoli, sugar, anchovies, salt and a bit pepper and add a fist ful of crumb, lightly soaked with vinager. Mince well and add some olive oil and when it becomes creamy, add the lemon juice.

Walnut sauce
Walnut Kg 1, parsley, 1 spoon capers, white vinager, olive oil, salt and pepper.
Mince walnut and parsley with capers. Add olive oil, mixing softly and when it becomes creamy, add salt, pepper and some spoon of vinager. This sauce can be uised with boiled or roasted meat!