Gian Cesare Marchesi

Il "countertrade" e le sue tecniche

Guida agli scambi in compensazione

Appendice n. 2

4 diversi documenti

Documento n. 1

Testo di un "Banking Arrangement Agreement" stipulato fra una Banca estera (BE) ed una Banca italiana (BI) per evidenziare le movimentazioni finanziarie conseguenti ad una operazione compensativa coinvolgente vari enti (EE= esportatore estero; EI= esportatore italiano; IE= importatore estero; AI= importatore italiano). L'operazione è stata formalmente regolata da un "accordo generale" (MOA) e da distinti contratti per le vari cessioni di beni (import/export).

(Con la sola ed ovvia esclusione di taluni elementi identificativi, il testo è stato riportato fedelmente)

Banking Arrangement Agreement

(BE) ..........


The above mentioned parties to this Arrangement having taken cognizance of the:
a) Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) dated ..... among all partners who will enter in the deal related to the (import/export)....contracts;
b) (import/export)....contracts;

and whereas
a banking and payment agreement is to be established by the above mentioned two banks in order to enact the payment system for the (import)... contract and (export)... contract (the contracts), it is now hereby agreed as follows:

Article 1
Subject to the terms and conditions hereof (BI)..., upon request of (BE)..., which request is intended to have been given hereby, agrees to open in its books a special deposit account in US $ in the name of (BI)...for account and on behalf of (BE)... Such account will be duly authorized by Italian Ministry for Foreign Trade.
With mutual agreement the balance of the (BE)... special account as well as all the transactions provided hereunder may wholely or partially be transferred to another Branch, Bank or Country. The banking charges and commissions applying to opening by (BE)... of the documentary credits under the provisions of the (export)...contract will be settled directly by (BE)... in favour of (BI)...; otherwise (BI)... will have the right to withhold such amounts out of the interest accumulated weekly according to Art. 3 hereof and (BE)... hereby authorizes (BI)... to debit accordingly said account.

Article 2
All documentary credits (L/C's) to be opened under the (export)... contract will be subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (revision 1984; I.C.C. pubblication n.400) unless otherwise stated expressly in the terms of the L/C's. Opening, advising, amendment, confirming and payment charges and commissions shall be borne by the respective buyers or openers.

Article 3
The (BE)... special account shall be used only for transactions related to the (import)... contract and to the L/C's to be opened by order and for account of (IE)... mentioned in the MOA under the terms of the (export)... contract. Furthermore, and upon request of (EI) ... , such special deposit account shall also be used to debit all charges concerning the (import)... contract and related to: freight, transportation, custom duties and other expenses foreseen or unforeseen.
In order to settle such said expenses the (EE)... authorizes since now (BI)... to utilize the proceeds deriving from the selling of imports, up to the amount of the expenses incurred.
The balance of (BE)... special account will accrue interests. The interest rate will be the 24 hours notice account London Interbank bid rate paid at 11 o'clock every Wednesday for first class banks in London. This rate shall apply for one week until next Wednesday. The interest will accrue on a weekly basis and the amount of such accrued interest shall be paid under good value every week by crediting the (BE)... special account under cable advice to (BE) ...stating also the balance of the account and interest rate change.
(BE)... may change the bank to which the amount of interest is to be paid and in this case will give new instructions to (BI)...
The (BE)... special deposit account is available to (BE)... for investment in the form of fixed term deposit and relevant rate will be Libor paid at 11 o'clock by first class bank in London for said period minus 1/16 of one percent.
If (BI)... could not agree on such a rate the two banks will negotiate for a fair interest rate.
It is understood that (BE)... will only instruct (BI)... to invest funds on a deposit balance basis exceeding 24 hours notice account if such investment instructions are not in conflict with immediate availability of the necessary funds to cover the products L/C's to be paid when presented.
The (BE)... special deposit account shall be exempt from all banking charges for its administration.

Article 4
.......(omissis)........... (Import)... shall be accompanied by an original B/L in the name of (BI) plus a set of invoices for the total amount of (import)... shipped; said invoices will be in the name of (AI)...
.......(omissis)..........Invoices and B/L's will be delivered by (BI)... to (AI)... only against payment. The amount deriving from each sale will be credited on the (BE)... special deposit account.

Article 5
(BE)... hereby agrees to open for account of (IE) included in the MOA irrevocable L/C's through (BI) favour of (EI)... for the value of the goods under the (export)... contract.Said L/C's shall be payable at sight at the counter of (BI)...after examining and finding the documents in order.
In the case that shipment of goods will be effected before funds are available on the (BE)... special deposit account, the beneficiary of the (export)... L/C may present such conforming documents immediately to (BI)... authorizing the same to send them to (BE)... and (BE)... undertakes to pay the beneficiary the interest for the period from (BI)... receipt of conforming documents until the (BE)... special deposit account has sufficient funds to cover partially or totally the payment of such documents. Such interest amount will be calculated at the same procedure and based on the same 24 hours notice account London interbank bid rate as indicated in Art. 3 hereof. (BE)... irrevocably hereby instructs and authorizes (BI)... to pay such interest over to the beneficiary of the product at the end of the next investment period of the balance of the (BE)... special deposit account out of the interest accumulated on said (BE) ... special deposit account. (BE)... hereby irrevocably instructs and authorizes (BI)... to reimburse itself, upon payment of each set of documents to the beneficiary of the product by debiting each time the (BE)... special deposit account.

Article 6
When the (export)... L/C's expires and no extension of the validity date of said L/C's is made, then (BI)... shall inform (BE)... of the inutilized part of said L/C's and ask for instructions for the amounts of these expired L/C's which have become available to (BE)... for withdrawal.

Article 7
In the event that any income or withholding tax or any kind of tax or similar charge (collectively called "charges") is levied in Italy on the balance and/or on the accrued interest of the (BE)... special deposit account, then both banks will try to find a way in good faith to eliminate or minimize such additional "charges". However, if elimination is not possible, then the additional "charges" incurred have to be finally borne by (BE)...

Article 8
If at any time, any provision hereof is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable neither the legality, validity nor the enforceability of the remaining provisions herein shall in any way be affected or impaired unless such provisions be considered essential as to the validity or performance of this arrangement. In case of unforeseen difficulties with articles ot this arrangement or otherwise with banking procedures, the affected bank may propose the necessary change and by mutual agreement the relative changes may be made, subject to the approval of the parties to the "contracts".

Article 9
This arrangement shall stand valid until date of expiry. At time of expiry of this arrangement, any credit balance existing in the (BE)... special deposit account shall be settled with a wiev of all outstanding L/C's still existing at the time of expiry that have to be cleared. Having taken these into account, the remaining balance shall be immediately released by (BI)...and paid to (BE)... (BE)...shall give to (BI)... the instructions where the funds shall be transferred in his favour. In this case the (BE)... special deposit account will authomatically be closed.

Article 10
Neither the directors, officers, employees or agent of the bank party to this arrangement shall be liable for any action taken or omitted to be taken by them under this arrangement or in connection with this arrangement unless caused by gross negligence or wilful misconduct.

Article 11
(BI)... and (BE)... confirm by signing this arrangement that they have the power to enter into and have taken all necessary corporate or other action to authorize the execution and performance of this agreement. In addition to the aforesaid, both parties confirm that this arrangement is valid and binding and enforceable in strict compliance respectively with the laws of ....... and the laws of.......

Article 12
In case of any dispute arising from implementation of this arrangement, the matter should be brought to the attention of the highest Authorities of the two banks for final settlement and, if mutual agreement could not be reached to the satisfaction of the parties concerned, the matter should be referred to arbitration and finally settled by three arbitrators in accordance with the rules of conciliation and arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce. The arbitration shall take place in Paris, France.

Signed on.................
___________ (BE).... _____________________ (BI)...

Approved by:
(all parties named in the "preamble")

Documento n. 2

Testo di accordo di controacquisto fra una Trading Company (TE) di un paese europeo (PE) ed un ente pubblico (EP) di un paese in via di sviluppo (PVS) con il coinvolgimento di due banche residenti nei due rispettivi paesi (BE e BVS).

(Con la sola ed ovvia esclusione di taluni elementi identificativi, il testo è stato riportato fedelmente)

Commercial Development Agreement

In order to develop and strengthen the commercial relations between (PVS)... and (PE)... and as a result of discussions held in the joint committee between the two countries for the development of economic and financial cooperation, (TE).... and (EP)..., hereinafter called the contracting parties, have agreed to enter into the following Agreement:

Article 1
The trade to be carried out between the contracting parties in accordance with this Agreement will be on a self balancing basis.

Article 2
The list of commodities to be imported into (PVS)...from (TE)...and exported from (PVS)... to (TE)... shall be as in annex 1 and 2 respectively. The lists may be modified if necessary during the validity of the Agreement by mutual consent of the two parties.

Article 3
The transactions under the Agreement shall be subject to the prices of goods and commodities being internationally competitive and the quality and specifications being in accordance with recognized standards.

Article 4
The contracting parties agree that the transactions may take place on FOB, FAS, C&F or CIF basis, according to the custom of trade.

Article 5
For the purpose of balancing trade under this Agreement (EP)... will authorize (BVS)... to open in their books an account to be named " (EP).../(TE)... Account" . Similarly (TE)... will authorize (BE) open in their books an account to be named "(EP).../(TE)...Account". These accounts will be mantained in US Dollar in accordance with the provisions of an Interbank Agreement to be agreed between the two banks.

Article 6
The confirming bank in the seller's country will debit the account in its books in the name of the opening bank in the buyer's country for any amounts due for payment from the last mentioned bank. The opening bank in the buyer's country will credit the account mentioned in its books in the name of the confirming bank in the seller's country for any amounts due for payment by the first mentioned bank. All transactions are to be accounted for in US Dollar; consequently, all invoices will be made in US Dollar.

Article 7
It is known that the volume of self-balancing deals amounts to US Dollar 2O Million for both sides, which can be increased by mutual consultation between the contracting parties, after having necessary approval from (PVS)... and (PE)...Authorities , however, to ensure the self-balancing concept, the maximum limit for either debit or credit balances in the account as the case may be, should not exceed US Dollar 1 (one) Million.

Article 8
The outstanding debit balance appearing on the account is subject to an annual interest rate to be agreed upon between the two banks. Such interest is to be calculated and based on to the outstanding balance.

Article 9
If (PVS)...' s export take place at first, it should be effected against confirmed L/C's stipulating to pay value of exports in free foreign currencies within four (4) months from date of shipment as per B/L if (TE)...'s exports have not been effected during said period.

Article 10
At the final termination of this Agreement the outstanding balance in favour of (EP)... or (TE)...will be settled by effecting supplementary exports to (EP)... or (TE)... within maximum four (4) months as the case may be under the Commercial Development Agreement.

Article 11
All transactions under this Agreement shall be routed through the accounts mentioned under Art. 5, and all licences, permits, authorizations issued will bear clear reference to this account. Contracts concluded under this Agreement shall incorporate the following clauses:

i - This contract is concluded within the frame of the Commercial Development Agreement between (TE)... and (EP)..., and is subject to approval by these companies.
ii - The payment shall be made in terms of the Interbank Agreement between (BVS)... and (BE)... through the operation of the "(EP).../(TE)... Accounts". Matters of specification, quality inspection, prices, delivery times, terms of payment, etc. shall be settled mutually by the parties actually entering into the contract concerned.

Article 12
(EP)... obtained the approvals of the ............... dated......... (BE)... obtained the approval by........
dated....... So the Agreement comes into force with the day of signing, that is ............

Article 13
This Agreement shall remain in force for a period of 12 months from coming into force, it will be considered extended for a further period of 12 months unless either of the contracting parties has given notice of its intention not to extend the Agreement 3 months period to the date of the expiry of this Agreement.

Article 14
This Agreement may be modified by mutual consultation between the contracting parties.

Article 15
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the French law. Any disputes which may arise between (EP)... and (TE)... in connection with this Agreement shall be finally settled by and under the rules of conciliation and arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, in English language. French law to be applied; place of arbitration shall be Paris.

Done in ......on ........., in two originals in English, both being equally authentic.

______________ ______________
(EP).... (TE)...

Si tratta, evidentemente, di un accordo stipulato da un "Countertrader" che ha così stabilito con la controparte estera un'intesa di carattere generale, senza entrare (come chiaramente risulta dalle clausole indicate al punto ii) dell'Articolo 11) nel merito delle trattative commerciali relative agli scambi effettivi delle merci indicate nei vari allegati del Commercial Development Agreement. In altri termini questo tipo di accordo lascia ai vari operatori che interverranno nelle singole transazioni tutte le incombenze e le responsabilità circa le modalità di attuazione dei contratti di compra-vendita ed alle banche interessate (che, come si è notato, "confermeranno" i crediti documentari) il rischio della concessione di una linea di credito per massimo un milione di dollari (ved.Articolo 7). E' interessante notare che in questo tipo di accordo esistono due conti bancari operanti in parallelo, secondo gli schemi dei vecchi "conti di clearing bilaterale". L'effettiva realizzazione di quanto previsto nell'accordo dipenderà dalla capacità dei singoli operatori di giungere alla conclusione delle trattative commerciali sulle merceologie di loro interesse e dalla possibilità della Trading di bene amministrare i "premi di sfioramento" disponibili.

Documento n. 3

Esempio di contratto di cooperazione industriale stipulato con un Ente pubblico di un paese ad economia pianificata.


This Agreement is made this ..... day of....... by and between:

- ........................ (hereinafter referred to as.....) and
- ........................ (hereinafter referred to as.....)

under the following terms and conditions:

1 - Preamble
1. In the course of..... ....... and ...... established a relationship with each other by having a number of preliminary discussion and by conducting inspections of their respective plants. On..... long-term bilateral agreements were executed between the parties hereto,I.E. a Purchase/s Agreement for ..... and a License Agreement for manufacturing and selling said......
2. ....manufactures and sells ...... and desires to expand their field of utilization. .... desires to manufacture in ....., and in order to accomplish these purposes the parties hereto have executed on the date first written above a License Agreement for......(hereinafter referred to as "License Agreement).
3. ..... is also interested in having a competitive source of supply, and thus ..... is interested in purchasing from..... manufactured products.

2 - Subject of the Agreement
1. ...... recognizes .... as a qualified source .....acknowledges .... as a source for such items for....., its subsidiaries, affiliates and licensees . .....agrees to purchase certain of its requirements from ..... to the extent that such products which .... is willing to sell to ... meet ..... requirements in regards to specifications, quality and delivery terms and are offered to .... at competitive terms and favourable prices.
2. ..... agrees to negotiate with..... in good faith to develop the delivery terms, purchase procedures and other particular conditions of purchase for such products.

3 - Definitions
1. Certain terms used in this Agreement are defined in this Section, and when used herein shall have the meanings given to them by the language employed in this Section.
2. When the used herein, it shall include...., its affiliates and subsidiaries. An "affiliate" is a corporation in which.....owns or controls 5O % or more of the stock or the voting power.
3. A "subsidiary" is a corporation in which...owns or controls 100 % of the stock or the voting power.

4 - Purchases
1. .... agrees that if..... fulfils each and every obligation undertaken by ..... in the License Agreement.... shall, in good faith, negotiate purchases from.... for products manufactured by.... in an amount which shall equal ......Million dollars (hereinafter referred to as "Purchase Amount"). ....shall have until....., to negotiate with.....the purchase of products for the purchase amount.
If ..... is unable for reasons within its control, to purchase from.... the purchase amount on or before ....., as ...'s sole and exclusive remedy, ..... agrees to negotiate, in good faith, purchases from.... during the period of ..... until....., in an amount which shall equal the difference between the actual purchases made by ..... during the period until...., and the purchase amount plus an additional .....percent of said difference.
2. Section 1 of this Article is subject to the following conditions:
a. The.....products in which..... has indicated an initial interest in purchasing from...are listed in the inquiries attached hereto as.... It is agreed by the parties hereto that.... is only a partial list of the products which..... may purchase from..... ..... shall determine, with ...'s full cooperation, whether there are any other products manufactured by....which .....desires to purchase from.....
b. When an .....inquiry has been received by..... ......agrees to respond to said inquiry within .....days of the receipt of inquiry with an offer to sell the product or products specified in said inquiry. Said offer to sell shall contain the price, the delivery terms and other terms and conditions of the sale. Within ........ days of the receipt of said offer to sell, .... shall indicate whether or not it accepts said offer to sell.
c. It is understood that the obligations of ....hereunder are contingent upon .....'s quality, specifications and terms and conditions of any sale being competitive and upon ....'s price being favourable to .....
d. Any purchases from..... by ..... pursuant to the Purchase/Sale Agreement between the parties hereto dated ..... for the ...... over and above the amounts set forth in Article 8, Section 1 of that Agreement shall reduce the amounts specified in Section 1 of this Article.

5 - Manufacturing Capacity
For purposes of this Agreement, ..... agrees to establish and maintain manufacturing capacity from its own resources including the necessary land, buildings, machine tools, other tooling, capital, personnel and training.

6 - Compliance with Law
.... shall, at all times, comply, at its own expense, with all applicable laws, regulations and orders of the Government of ..... and all departments and instrumentalities thereof relating to or in any way affecting this Agreement and the performance by.... hereunder..... acknowledges that to the best of its knowledge and belief, its obligations hereunder, relating to the sale of product are permitted and legal under said laws, regulations and orders.

7 - Term and Termination
1. Unless otherwise extended or terminated pursuant to the provisions thereof, this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until.....
2. Either party may elect to terminate this Agreement if the other party shall fail to perform any material obligations imposed on it by this Agreement and fails to remedy such breach within ..... days after receiving written notice of the existence of such breach, unless remedy of such breach cannot be effected within said ..... day period, in which event the right to terminate this Agreement shall arise if such breach has not been remedied within the earliest possible period of time reasonably necessary to remedy the same. Such election shall be made by furnishing written notice to the party in default at any time after the expiration of such ..... day period or extended period, as the case may be, and shall become effective immediately. In the event the party notified of a breach disputes the existence of a breach or default on its part, such party may submit the matter to arbitration pursuant to Article 11 hereof, and the effectiveness of the termination shall be stayed during the pendency of the arbitration proceedings.
3. Neither expiration nor termination of this Agreement shall effect any rights of either party which shall have accrued prior to the date of such expiration or termination, and in the event of the termination hereof by a party because of breach by the other, the terminating party shall retain its remedy for breach of the entire Agreement or any unperformed portion.

8 - Force Majeure
1. Should an event of force majeure prevent or delay the total or partial execution of the obligations arising under this Agreement, the party claiming force majeure is obligated to so inform the other party in writing, by registered air mail, within .... days from such occurrence at the beginning as well as at the end of the respective force majeure, attaching to this notice also a confirmation from the local Chamber of Commerce or other Authority as to the veracity and correctness of the facts and dates stated. In the event no notice is given to the other party, then force majeure cannot be invoked to excuse the non-performance of any obligation. Partial failure of performance owing to any such act of force majeure shall not terminate this Agreement or excuse a failure by a party affected to resume all obligations as promptly as possible.
2. Force majeure is understood to mean all events beyond the control of the parties, unforeseen, or if foreseen, unavoidable, and arising after the effective date hereof, preventing or delaying total or partial carryung out of the obligations set forth herein, such as natural disasters, war, accidents, strikes or other work stoppages.
3. In the event the act of force majeure persists or is likely to persist for a period of more than one year, this Agreement shall be terminated or adjusted to the changed circumstances, as to be agreed by the parties, or failing to reach agreement, as provided by the arbitration.
4. In case of force majeure notified according to Section 1 of this Article, the terms of the contractual obligations of both parties for the period of delay caused by the force majeure shall be authomatically extended.


16 - Nonassignability
1. Neither party shall be entitled to assign or transfer its respective rights and/or obligations under this Agreement, in whole or in part, to any other entity without the express written consent of the other party hereto, and any attempt by a party to make any such assignment or transfer without such written consent shall be deemed nul and void.
2. Notwithstanding the provision of Section 1 of this Article, the respective rights and obligations of each party under this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon each party's successor in their respective business.

17 - Notices
1. All notices and other communications to be given by either party to the other, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, shall be written in the English language and personally served upon a representative of either party who is authorized by law or regulation to receive service of judicial process, or sent by prepaid registered air mail addressed to the other party, or cabled, wired or telexed to the other party, with confirmation copy thereof promptly being sent by prepaid registered air mail.
2. If so delivered (in case of personal delivery) or sent, any such notice or other communication shall be deemed to have been duly given:
a) when delivered, if by personal delivery , or
b) seven days after mailing, if mailed, or
c) upon being sent, if cabled, wired or telexed.

18 - Arbitration and Governing Laws and Language
1. Except as is otherwise expressely provided herein, all disputes, controversies or differences arising between the parties out of or in relation to or in connection with this Agreement, or any breach or default hereunder (including a dispute concerning the existence or continued existence of this Agreement, and the validity of the arbitral provision) which cannot be settled amicably, shall be subject to arbitration. The arbitral tribunal shall have its seat, and arbitration proceedings shall take place in ...... The arbitral tribunal shall consists of three arbitrators. ....... and ...... shall each appoint one arbitrator. The two arbitrators shall then select a third arbitrator who shall serve as Chairman. If the respondent does not designate an arbitrator within ..... days after the date of notification by petitioner, such arbitrator shall be named by the President of the Commercial Court of ..... or in case of his impediment or nonaction by the Supreme Court of the ..... as provided in Article ..... of the Civil Procedure. If the first two arbitrators are unable to agree upon a third respondent party of its arbitrator, such third arbitrator shall be named as aforesaid. The arbitration proceedings (including all written communications to or other filings with the arbitral tribunal) shall be in the English language. A decision by two of the three arbitrators shall be required to resolve any issue. The arbitrators shall render their award in writing indicating the basis of their opinion. Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures and rules set forth in the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce. The arbitration tribunal's decisions and award shall be final, and judgement thereon may be entered in any court having jurisdiction over the party against whom the award has been rendered. The parties shall comply in good faith with the arbitration tribunal's decisions.
2. As to all matters of substantive law, the arbitrators shall apply the internal laws of ..... with the exception of the doctrine of renvoi.
3. The English version of this Agreement, notwithstanding translation hereof into any other language, shall be the only authentic one and shall be controlling in all respects.

19 - Miscellaneous Provisions
1. Unless this provision is specifically waived by the parties hereto in writing, all charts, reports, reference manuals, memoranda and other documents and writings to be furnished by either party under this Agreement shall be in English.
2. No amendment, modification or extention of this Agreement shall be made except by an instrument in writing signed by the parties hereto.
3. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding between parties and merges all period agreements and discussions between them with respect to the subject matter hereof.
4. The Exhibits hereto form an integral part of this Agreement.
5. The failure of any party at any time to take action against another party, or the failure of any party to terminate this Agreement for cause, shall not affect such party's right to require full performance of this Agreement or to terminate this Agreement any time thereafter, and the waiver by any party of a breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach thereof.
6. All commercial terms used in this Agreement shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Incoterms 1956/67 published by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris.
7. In order to further deepen and develop their long-term cooperation the parties shall maintain continuous contact with each other with a view to assisting each other in as many ways as possible and to generate a better understanding of each other's concerns. The parties shall also hold informal discussions on all areas of concern arising between them and shall negotiate and in all other ways deal with each other in good faith.
8. This Agreement shall enter into effect upon the full execution hereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused their duly authorized representatives to sign and deliver this Agreement on the day and year above written.

by................... by..................

Witness: Witness:
....................... .....................

Come si potrà notare dal testo qui sopra riportato, è stato particolarmente curato l'aspetto "legale" (a differenza degli altri esempi esposti in precedenza che presentavano caratteristiche più "sbrigative") con dovizia di clausole e di puntualizzazioni su tutte le possibili evoluzioni dei rapporti fra le parti. Ciò è anche legato al fatto che un'operazione di cooperazione industriale comporta solitamente tempi lunghi sia di impostazione che di realizzazione. Se da una parte, quindi, esiste il tempo sufficiente per stabilire le più precise clausole contrattuali con l'assistenza legale necessaria, dall'altra è necessario far ciò per salvaguardare, nel tempo, i principi che stavano alla base dell'avvio dell'iniziativa. Tutto ciò non è sempre di facile realizzazione negli altri tipi di contratti compensativi, soprattutto nei casi in cui le transazioni avvengono in tempi ravvicinati con necessità di conclusione a brevissimo termine.

Documento n. 4

Si riporta, qui di seguito, il testo normativo peruviano in materia di scambi in compensazione pubblicato sul Diario Oficial "El Peruano" in data 17 maggio 1985 (Decreto Supremo 044-85 ICTI/CO). Si trattava di un insieme di disposizioni che presentavano talune analogie con altre norme emanate anche da altri paesi esteri nel tentativo di tenere maggiormente sotto controllo questo tipo di operazioni e di utilizzarle nel contesto di una più generale politica governativa di salvaguardia delle proprie posizioni valutarie. In realtà queste disposizioni peruviane hanno avuto scarsa applicazione pratica ed, a quanto risulta, non verrebbero ora più utilizzate.


Titulo preliminar

Artìculo 1 - Toda menciòn que en el presente Reglamento se haga a la "Ley", se entenderà referida a la Ley 24030.

Artìculo 2 - El presente Reglamento contiene las normas y procedimientos a que deberàn sujetarse las personas naturales o jurìdicas que deseen realizar operaciones de comercio compensado.

Artìculo 3 - Entìendase por comercio compensado las pràcticas de comercio internacional consistente en vincular operaciones especìficas de importacìon y exportacìon de bienes y servicios por valores relativamente equivalentes, que compensen su pago total o parcialmente.

Para efectos del presente régimen se definen las modalidades de comercio compensado, incluìdas en la Ley en los siguientes términos:

a) TROEQUE : "Consiste en una permuta directa que se realiza una sola vez y se rige por un contrato ùnico de plazo no mayor de un ano, en el que se estipulan los bienes a intercambiarse por un valor equivalente".

b) COMPRA EN CONTRAPARTIDA : "Està constituìda por una operaciòn segùn la cual el proveedor se compromete a adquirir bienes a un valor determinado por un porcentaje de la venta inicial. Los valores de la contrapartida son expresados en moneda o en un porcentaje de la venta original, y la ejecuciòn del contrato generalmente trasciende del plazo de un ano".

c) COMPRA DE PRODUCCION : "Està constituìda por la operaciòn segùn la cual el pago se realiza mediante productos derivados de los que fueron objeto de la transferencia original. Esta modalidad es propia de la venta de instalaciones, equipo o tecnologìa, en la cual el proveedor se compromete a adquirir parte de la producciòn resultante".

d) TRIANGULACION COMERCIAL : "Està constituìda por la operaciòn que, tomando como base el trueque u otra modalidad de comercio compensado, el adquìriente importa del proveedor uno o mas bienes, y él o un tercero exporta otros bienes en pago, en favor del proveedor u otro designado por él".

Las definìciones de la modalidades de comercio compensado costituyen elemento referencial dentro de las exportaciones pagaderas en bienes y servicios, para facilitar este tipo de operaciones, pudiendo ser aprobados contratos que incluyan algunas variaciones a lo extrictamente definido anteriormente, si a judicio del Comité la operaciòn resulta conveniente para el paìs, pueden intervenir en los contratos de comercio compensado distintos sujetos nacionales o extranjeros que los especìficamente senalados, tales como bancos, empresas financieras, companìas de seguros, transportistas, etc. que tengan como finalidad facilitar las operaciones estipuladas en los contratos.

Artìculo 4 - Las operaciones de comercio compensado estaràn prioritariamente orientados a expandir las exportaciones de productos no tradicionales. Deberà darse preferencia a aquellas que estén encaminadas hacia la bùsqueda de nuevos mercados, debiendo apoyarse la colocaciòn de productos que no cuentan con un mercado asegurado, posibilitando su introduccìon, colocacìon y expansìon. Por su parte los productos que se importen deben ser prioritarios y necesarios para el paìs.

Artìculo 5 - El Comité de Comercio Compensado creado por el artìculo 124 de la Ley, en adelante "El Comité", tiene las siguientes funciones:

a) Aprobar las operaciones de comercio compensado que se sometan a su consideraciòn, en funciòn de los criterios establecidos en el artìculo 125 de la Ley.

b) Establecer los términos y condiciones en que se otorgue cada autorizaciòn, incluyendo la exoneraciòn parcial o total del compromiso de entrega de divisas de exportaciòn, asì como las garantìas a que hubiere lugar.

c) Supervisar el cumplimiento de las operaciones autorizadas.

d) Aprobar las modificaciones a las operaciones autorizadas.

e) Establecer la lista de productos de exportacìon que no sean suceptibles de acogerse al régimen de comercio compensado.

f) Absolver las consultas que se le formulen respecto a temas de comercio compensado.

g) Proponer al Ministerio de Industria, Comercio, Turismo e Integraciòn las normas que se requieran para regular y promover las operaciones de comercio compensado.

h) Dictar las normas necesaria para su propia funcionamiento.

Artìculo 6 - Créase la Secretarìa Técnica del Comité de Comercio Compensado la que estarà a cargo de la Direcciòn General de Negociaciones Internacionales. Esta Direcciòn General dispondrà que se forme una Oficina dentro de su estructura orgànica que cumpla la funciòn de Secretarìa Técnica del Comité de Comercio Compensado.

Artìculo 7 - La Secretarìa Tecnica del Comité de Comercio Compensado tiene caràter permanente, debiendo elevar para aprobacìon del Comité, sin dilaciòn, los contratos que se sometan para su aprobaciòn, acompanados de los informes técnicos respectivos. Asimismo, tramitarà las consultas que se formulen facilitàndole al Comité las opiniones y antecedentes del caso, necesarios para su pronunciamiento.

Titulo I - Normas de procedimiento

Artìculo 8 - Las personas naturales o jurìdicas que vayan a efectuar operaciones de Comercio Compensado, deberàn presentar una solicitud ante la Secretarìa Técnica del Comité, conteniendo entre otras las seguientes especificaciones:

- Partes contratantes con indicaciòn de sus domicilios y, de ser el caso, registro o documentacìon de constituciòn.

- Descripciòn detallada de la modalidad de comercio compensado a ser empleada y de los productos y servicios objeto de transacciòn, detallando su denominaciòn técnica y comercial, partidas arancelarias, cantidad o volùmen, precios unitarios y monto total.

- Justificaciòn de la operacìon en base a los criterios del artìculo 125 de la Ley.

- Garantìas de fiel cumplimiento de todas obligaciones involucradas en la operaciòn.

- Plazo estimado para la ejecuciòn de la operaciòn.

Artìculo 9 - El Comité aprobarà los contratos sobre comercio compensado por unn plazo igual al estipulado en el mismo contrato, pudiendo éste ser prorrogado previa solicitud debidamente sustentada ante la Secretarìa Técnica con una anticipaciòn non menor a 30 dìas antes de su vencimiento. En caso no se presentera esta solicitud dentro del plazo fijado, o la misma fuera denegada los interesados deberàn reiniciar el tràmite si persistieran en realizar la operaciòn de comercio compensado.

Artìculo 10 - Los contratos sobre comercio compensado seràn sometidos para aprobaciòn del Comité, sòlo cuando se encuentren pactados y formalizados todos los negocios que constituyen la operaciòn respectiva, condicionàndolos exclusivamente a la aprobaciòn por parte del Comité. Los contratos deben ser suscritos por todas las partes intervinientes. El Comité de Comercio Compensado no actùa como intermediario para obtenir que se concrete un negocio determinado de comercio compensado.

En los casos que la operaciòn se encuentre condicionada a la aprobaciòn por parte del Ministerio de Economìa y Finanzas u otra entidad del sector pùblico, por el hecho de haberse comprometido recursos del Tesoro Pùblico o se trate de la adquisiciòn de bienes que por su naturaleza requieran de la mencionada aprobaciòn previa, la aprobaciòn del contrato que otorgue el Comité de Comercio Compensado quedarà condicionada a que las partes interesadas obtegan posteriormente dichia aprobaciòn previa. En caso de no obtenerse esta ùltima, la aprobaciòn que eventualmente haya sido otorgada por el Comité de Comercio Compensado se entenderà por no concedida.

Artìculo 11 - Las reconsideraciones y apelaciones se sujetaràn a lo dispuesto por el Reglamento General de Procedimientos Administrativos D.S. OO6-67 SC. Con tal objecto, constituye segunda y ùltima instancia administrativa el Ministerio de Industria, Comercio, Turismo y Integraciòn.

Artìculo 12 - Los despachos de exportaciòn e importaciòn por las Aduanas de la Repùblica, se haràn en base y dentro del perìodo de vigencia de la autorizaciòn que expida el Comité y de acuerdo a las normas y procedimientos vigentes.

En las pòlizas correspondientes se anotaràn el nùmero y fecha de la autorizaciòn, o de la pròrroga o renovaciòn, de ser el caso.

Artìculo 13 - Cuando la operaciòn de comercio compensado se inicia con la exportaciòn del Perù, el exportador deberà presentar ante el Banco Central de Reserva del Perù un documento de garantìa de acuerdo al tipo, monto y téermino que establezca el Comité, con el caso que la importaciòn no se realice.

Artìculo 14 - La negociaciòn de los documentos de embarque serà efectuada a través del sistema bancario del paìs, debiendo expresar la carta de remesa del exportador que la entrega de documentos de embarque seré realizada, contra la recepciòn de los documentos de embarque de la mercanderìa a ser adquirida o la presentaciòn del documento de garantìa a que se refiere el artìculo anterior, segùn el caso. Copias no negociables de la carta remesa y de los documentos de embarque o del documento de garantìa, de existir éste ultimo, séran remitidas por el Banco local interveniente al Banco Central de Reserva del Perù, dentro de los tres dìas de recepcionadas.

Artìculo 15 - Dentro de los Quince dìas de haberse efectuado los aforos de importaciòn, el exportador registrarà las operaciones aduaneras ante el Banco Central de Reserva del Perù, a través del Banco local interviniente, y en forma directa ante la Secretarìa Técnica del Comité, mediante copia de las pòlizas correspondientes, a fin de dar adecuado seguimiento a cada operaciòn.

Artìculo 16 - Cuando la operaciòn sea pagadera parcialmente en moneda extranjera, deberà registrarse el compromiso de entrega de divisas en la pòliza de exportaciòn. Dicho importe serà entregado al Banco Central de Reserva del Peù, de acuerdo a las normas legales vigentes.

Artìculo 17 - Cuando no se verifique la importaciòn de los productos dentro del plazo autorizado, se procederà a ejecutar el documento de garantìa correspondiente.

Artìculo 18 - En los casos a los que se refieren los artìculos 16 y 17 el Banco Central de Reserva del Perù, informarà al Comité sobre el cumplimiento de entrega de la moneda extranjera, dentro de los quince dìas posteriores al vencimiento del plazo correspondiente.

Artìculo 19 - Las exportaciones de productos no tradicionales que se realicen por medio de las modalidades de comercio compensado tendràn derecho a los incentivos correspondientes, conforme al artìculo 129 de la Ley. Para obtener el CERTEX, el exportador adjuntarà a su solicitud, ademàs de los documientos establecidos por la legislaciòn y de la constancia de su registro ante el Banco Central de Reserva del Perù y ante la Secretaria Técnica del Comité.

Artìculo 20 - Las importaciones a que hace menciòn en el artìculo 130 de la Ley no estàn referidas a operaciones que realizan las entidades pùblicas mencionadas en dicho artìculo por cuenta de terceros.

Artìculo 21 - Las entidades pùblicas referidas en el artìculo 13O de la Ley incluìran en las bases de las convocatorias que realicen para la adquisiciòn de bienes importados, clàusulas que permitan a los postores ofertar la operaciòn mediante alguna de las modalidades de comercio compensado salvo que las circunstancias ameriten que no sea preferente el comercio compensado.

Artìculo 22 - Cuando las entidades pùblicas referida en el artìculo 13O de la Ley opten por realizar una determinada operaciòn comercial a través del sistema de comercio compensado, luego de realizada la licitaciòn o concurso pùblico correspondiente, tramitaràn la solicitud a que se refiere el artìculo 8 antes del otorgamiento de la buena pro. Dichas entidades procedaràn a suscribir el respectivo contrato con el postor que obtenga la buena pro, una vez que el Comité haya aprobado debidamente la operaciòn. En cualquier caso, la aprobaciòn por el Comité no exime a la entidad pùblica de realizar la correspondiente licitaciòn o concurso pùblico, si estuviere obligado a seguir este procedimiento.

Artìculo 23 - Se entenderà que las empresas de derecho pùblico, las empresas estatales de derecho privado y las de economìa mixta con participatiòn accionaria mayoritaria del Estado mencionados en el artìculo 130 de la Ley, se encuentran obligadas a recurrir a los procedimientos de licitaciòn o concurso pùblico conforme a las normas legales vigientes sobre la materia, en las operaciones que realicen sobre comercio compensado, siempre que la adquisiciòn que efectuén corresponda a una operaciòn propia del giro de la empresa y de los negocios habituales de la misma, o que se trate de un bien o bienes para su propio uso. Si por el contrario la adquisiciòn del o de los bienes que realicen dichas empresas contituye una operaciòn accesoria a otra de transferencia que sì responde al giro de la empresa y a los negocios habituales de la misma, dentro de un contrato de comercio compensado, no se requiere de los procedimientos de licitaciòn o concurso pùblico siempre que los bienes adquiridos sean, a su vez, transferidos a un tercero.

Artìculo 24 - Las importaciones que realicen las entidades pùblicas mencionadas en el artìculo 130 de la Ley bajo el régimen de comercio compensado, requeriràn de aprobaciòn previa del Comité, sujetàndose en cualquier caso a lo dispuesto en la Ley Anual de Presupuesto y las normas legales especìficas que les sean aplicables.

Titulo II - Sanciones

Artìculo 25 - Son infracciones al régimen de comercio compensado las siguientes:

a) Modificar los téerminos de la operaciòn de comercio compensado autorizada por el Comité, sin contar con la aprobaciòn previa respectiva.

b) No presentar los documentos de embarque correspondientes a la operaciòn autorizada, dentro de los plazos establecidos.

c) No entregar la moneda extranjera dentro del plazo establecido por el Comité en la correspondiente autorizaciòn.

d) Utilizar el sistema de Comercio Compensado con el fin de realizar algùn acto que constituya una pràctica ilìcita de comercio.

Artìculo 26 - Mediante Resoluciòn de Vice Ministro de Comercio, en base a lo informado por la Secretaria Técnica y previo acuerdo del Comité, se sancionarà con una multa de hasta el 50 % del valor de transacciòn de la operaciòn, tratàndose de la premiera infracciòn, y de hasta el 100 % en caso de reincidencia, segùn la gravedad de la falta.

Tituolo III - Disposicion final

Artìculo 27 -Por Resoluciòn Ministerial de Industria, Comercio, Turismo y Integraciòn, se aprobaràn las normas complementarias para la mejor aplicaciòn del presente Decreto Supremo.

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