Witz: between psychoanalysis and humour

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By: Giuseppe Leo

This web site wants to examine the relationships between psychoanalysis (and, in a wider sense, psychotherapies) and humour.

It would be a space of confrontation among therapists, psychiatrist, psychologists, but even artists, philosophers and scientists about the healing power of humour.

Since Freud's essay "Der Witz", psychoanalysis has devoted itself to studying the unconscious basis of humour, but also the therapeutic resources of it.

This web site is composed by several sections.

One section is   historical and theoretical: as from a definition of "Witz", we would propose some texts (belonging or not of psychoanalysis) approaching the importance of humour in every day life and in therapy.

Another section would provide bibliographical informations about these topics.

Other sections are intentionally playful: for example, "Choosing the right therapist" would ironically provide the 'right' guidelines to choose a therapist able to use humour in his work.

In "Life Topics" you can reach some original humorous texts . At the present moment, they are only italian texts, but we invite you to send us other language jokes, funny stories, etc., concerning in particular psychoanalysis.

"Classics of Humour Therapy" is a selection of already published texts, that,we hope, might help you to smile... whenever you need.

"Maketplace" is an ironically market in which someone playfully wants to sell you something ... funny.

In "Related Links" you can reach those web pages that could provide some  useful basic texts or biblio references .

Some texts are not allowed to be provided for universal consultation. In this case, in order to read them, we recommend to register by sending us (see "Contact Us" ) your subscription data.

We are sorry many links in this web site are actually inactive. As soon as possible we'll do our best to make any link and section quite operative.


 Giuseppe Leo, Ph.D., Psy.D.



Updated: May, 8, 2009


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Related Links

Bibliography about Humour and Therapy

Philosophy and Humour: Interview to Simon Critchley

"Jewish Humour on Psychoanalysis" by David Meghnagi  (abstract)

"Some Reflections on Humour in Psychoanalysis" by Ronald Baker (abstract)

(in german)


(in spanish)

What's Witz?

(in italian)

Che ridere questo Freud!  (intervista a Moni Ovadia)


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A.S.S.E.Psi.      (History of Psychiatry)
Ce.Psi.Di. (Centre for Dynamic Psychotherapy)
Frenis Zero Review (Psychoanalysis)
Tatiana Rosenthal and Psychoanalysis



Thalassa.Portolano of Psychoanalysis (Psychoanalysts and Mediterranean Cultures)


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